So , I , as an avid HOI4 player do spend quite a bit of time on hoi4-related forums and in general on hoi4-related websites. I, however, noticed that there really isn’t an up-to-date countries tag list with the new nations added by No Step Back (NSB) And the most recent DLC By Blood Alone (BBA) So I’ve decided to make one myself, here is a whole hearts of iron IV tag list with all the new nations of each DLC included, enjoy!

Starting Countries

Afghanistan – AFG

Albania – ALB

Angola – ANG

Argentina – ARG

Australia – AST

Austria – AUS

Belgium – BEL

Bhutan – BHU

Bolivia – BOL

Brazil – BRA

British Malaya – MAL

British Raj – RAJ

Bulgaria – BUL

Chile – CHL

China – CHI

Colombia – COL

Communist China – PRC

Costa Rica – COS

Cuba – CUB

Czechoslovakia – CZE

Denmark – DEN

Dominican Republic – DOM

Dominion of Canada – CAN

Dutch East Indies – INS

Ecuador – ECU

El Salvador – ELS

Estonia – EST

Ethiopia – ETH

Finland – FIN

France – FRA

German Republic – GER

Greece – GRE

Guangxi Clique – GXC

Guatemala – GUA

Haiti – HAI

Honduras – HON

Iceland – ICE

Iran – PER

Iraq – IRQ

Ireland – IRE

Italy – ITA

Japan – JAP

Kingdom of Hungary – HUN

Kingdom of Romania – ROM

Latvia – LAT

Liberia – LIB

Lithuania – LIT

Luxembourg – LUX

Manchukuo – MAN

Mengkukuo – MEN

Mexico – MEX

Mongolia – MON

Nepal – NEP

Netherlands – HOL

New Zealand – NZL

Nicaragua – NIC

Norway – NOR

Oman – OMA

Panama – PAN

Paraguay – PAR

Peru – PRU

Philippines – PHI

Poland – POL

Portugal – POR

Saudi Arabia – SAU

Shanxi – SHX

Siam – SIA

Sinkiang – SIK

South Africa – SAF

Soviet Union – SOV

Spain (Republican) – SPR

Spain (Nationalist) – D01

Sweden – SWE

Switzerland – SWI

Tannu Tuva – TAN

Tibet – TIB

Turkey – TUR

United Kingdom – ENG

United States – USA

Uruguay – URG

Venezuela – VEN

Xibei San Ma – XSM

Yemen – YEM

Yugoslavia – YUG

Yunnan – YUN

Releasable Countries

Algeria - ALG

Angola - ANG

Azerbaijan - AZR

Altai - ALT

Abkhazia - ABK

Bahamas - BAH

Bangladesh - BAN

Belize - BLZ

Bosnia-Herzegovina - BOS

Botswana - BOT


Burma - BRM

Burundi -BRD

Benishangul Gumuz Nation - BEG

Cameroon - CMR

Central Africa - CAR

Chad - CHA

Chuvashia - CHU

Crimea - CRI

Confederacy of American States - CSA

Chechen Ingush Republic - CIN

Congo-Brazzaville - RCG

Côte d’Ivoire - IVO

Croatia - CRO

Chukotka Republic - CKK

Dahomey - DAH

Djibouti - DJI

East Germany - DDR

Emirate of Harar - HAR

Equatorial Guinea - EQG

Eritrea - ERI

Far Eastern Republic - FER

Federal Republic of Kabardins and Karachay Balkars - KBK

Gabon - GAB

Gambia - GAM

Ghana - GHA

Guinea - GNA

Grand Duchy of Tuscany - TOS

Guinea-Bissau - GNB

Guyana - GYA

Israel - ISR

Jamaica - JAM

Kazakhstan - KAZ

Kenya - KEN

Kingdom of Egypt -EGY

Kingdom of the two Sicilies - TTS

Kingdom of Jordan - JOR

Kingdom of Lombardy Venetia - LBV

Kingdom of Libya - LBA

Kingdom of Morocco - MOR

Kingdom of Sidamo - SID

Korea - KOR

Komi Republic - KOM

Kuwait - KUW

Kyrgyzstan - KYR

Karelia - KAR

Kalmykia - KAL

Lebanon - LEB

Malawi - MLW

Maldives - MLD

Mali - MLI

Malta - MLT

Mauritania - MRT

Mountainous Republic of Dagestan - DAG

Melanesian Federation - FIJ

Moldova - MOL

Mozambique - MZB

Namibia - NMB

Mari EL - MEL

Nenetsia - NEN

Netherlands Antilles - CRC

North Ossetia Alania - NOA

Niger - NGR

Northern Ireland - NIR

Occitania - OCC

Ostyak Vogul National Republic - OVO

Pakistan - PAK

Palestine - PAL

Papal States - PAP

Papua New Guinea - PNG

Puerto Rico - PUE

Republic of Armenia - ARM

Republic of Belarus - BLR

Republic of Cambodia - CAM

Republic of Cayenne - CAY

Republic of Cyprus - CYP

Republic of Georgia - GEO

Republic of Guadeloupe - GDL

Republic of Laos - LAO

Republic of Macedonia - MAC

Republic of Madagascar - MAD

Republic of Montenegro - MNT

Republic of Khakassia - KHA

Republic of Qatar - QAT

Republic of Slovenia - SLV

Republic of Suriname - SUR

Republic of Tajikistan - TAJ

Republic of The British Antilles - BAS

Republic of Trinidad and Tobago - TRI

Republic of Turkmenistan - TMS

Republic of Ukraine - UKR

Republic of Uzbekistan - UZB

Republic of Vietnam - VIN

Republic of Buryatia -BYA

Rwanda - RWA

Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic - WES

Scotland - SCO

Senegal - SEN

Sardinia Piedmont - SPM

Serbia - SER

Sierra Leone - SIE

Slovakia - SLO

Somali Sultanate - SOM

Sudan - SUD

Sri Lanka - SRL

Syria - SYR

Sultanate of Aussa - AFA

Sakah Republic - YAK

Tanzania - TZN

Togo - TOG

Tunisia - TUN

Tigray - TIG

Tatarstan - TAT

Taymyria - TAY

Uganda - UGA

Unaligned States of America - USB

United Arab Emirates - UAE

Upper Volta - VOL

Udmurtia - UDM

Vladivostok Independent Republic - VLA

Wales - WLS

West Germany - WGR

Qemant State - QEM

Yamalian Republic - YAM

Zaire - COG

Zambia - ZAM

Zimbabwe - ZIM


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