I Am Your President Review - Failing your country in more ways than 1 was never this easy

Have you always wondered how quickly the United States would implode if you were president? 

Well, wonder no longer because I Am Your President is about to be released; but is it worth your money in these crazy times? Check out our review to find out.

You look…. not bad

Let's face it, graphics are important, but they're not everything. In the case of I Am Your President, the user interface is where it's at. So, let me keep this brief: the graphics are... fine. They won't make your eyes bleed, but they won't make you spam screenshots either. They're just good enough to get the job done for this kind of game.

Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder, but damn that ui deserves a candlelight dinner

The UI is like a well-organized political campaign - clear, concise, and clutter-free. It's easy on the eyes, so you won't need to squint through the sweat and tears of your election campaign. 

There are no strangely contrasting colors to make you feel like you're staring into the sun, just a clean and simple interface that allows you to focus on the game.

As this game requires a lot of reading, it’s good to see that they got this point right.

I hate the other group

I Am Your President manages to tread the fine line between political satire and making no one feel like they're being thrown under the bus. With a slight bias toward Democrats, the game avoids alienating any particular political party.

Sure, there are some playful jabs at both sides, but it's all in good fun and intended for roleplay rather than outright offense.

When it comes to foreign policy, the game isn't afraid to mock countries like China and Russia in certain directions. But don't worry, this game isn't a full-on political satire, as the game can handle each situation in a semi-serious manner.

Furthermore, it all depends on your choices, so you can tailor your political agenda to your heart's content.

My eyes hurt from reading

I Am Your President's writing is so thick that it could be your bodyguard and stop a bullet. The developers clearly did not skimp on the words, as there is enough written material to fill a small library. But don't worry, quality trumps quantity here. The writing is interesting, witty, and free of common grammatical errors.

The writing is well-balanced and well-crafted, from comedic to serious.

Bye Bye Democracy

The game's world politics are underwhelming and lackluster, like a politician's limp handshake. Sure, there are some ways to shake things up and influence the world, but it all seems rather pointless in the end. Oh no, Mexico has just become a dictatorship, but what effect will this have on America? Nearly zero. It's like watching paint dry, except it features some sparkles.


Now, the gameplay is really quite enjoyable; there are enough options to keep you busy and paying attention during each turn, and time flies by pretty quickly; however, it does become quite repetitive after a while, especially when certain events repeat.

It plays like any text-focused political simulator does, it’s not revolutionizing but gives you a nice platform to roleplay to your desire.

Someone call my mom

The difficulty curve in this game is comparable to climbing Mount Everest while blindfolded, with one hand tied behind your back, and with a knife stuck in between your ribs. 

You'll have to work your way through a maze of challenges, obstacles, and crises that will make your head spin faster than a malfunctioning carnival ride.

It's a game that will put your fighting spirit, perseverance, and patience to the test, and you'll most likely fail more times than a parachuting elephant. But don't worry, my friend, because the sweet taste of victory is worth the bitter pill of defeat (It’s not), and once you've mastered this game, you'll feel like… A GO- nah you’ll feel like a person that spend way too much time behind their PC, still love the challenge though!


The cutscenes in the game are *chefs kiss*. The art is excellent, and the voice acting is superb. They're so good, in fact, that I found myself wanting for more and was slightly disappointed by the small quantity of them.


Overall, I Am Your President is a satisfying political simulation experience with a well-designed user interface, engaging gameplay, and excellent writing. 

The game strikes a balance between political satire and roleplaying while avoiding alienating any political party. The game's world politics, on the other hand, are mediocre, and the difficulty curve can be quite steep. Despite its flaws, I Am Your President is a worthwhile game to play.

With a rating of 7.8 out of 10, the game is definitely worth a try for any gamer looking for a political simulator.


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