Room 817: Director's Cut - A Brutal Blast from the Past with Modern Frustrations

This game promises an old-school survival horror experience that’s tougher than a $2 steak. But does it deliver? Spoiler alert: it’s a mixed bag. Get ready for a wild ride through a game that’s as thrilling as it is rage-inducing.

Gameplay and Mechanics

Let's get into the nitty-gritty. Room 817: Director’s Cut doesn’t hold your hand. Nope, it grabs you by the collar and tosses you into the deep end. No checkpoints, no mercy—just you, your wits, and a whole lot of frustration. If you die, it’s back to the start. Sounds like a masochist's dream, right?

The game demands you have eagle eyes, a brain like a steel trap, and the patience of a saint. The tension is real as you creep through creepy corridors, always on edge, knowing one misstep sends you back to the beginning. It’s a love-hate relationship with the lack of checkpoints—it cranks up the suspense but also makes you want to throw your controller across the room. Repeated deaths from tiny mistakes or failing to remember a path? Yeah, that’ll test anyone’s sanity.

Atmosphere and Visuals

Let’s talk atmosphere. This game nails the spooky vibes. Dark, creepy environments filled with unsettling noises and jump scares? Check. The sound design is top-notch, keeping you on edge every step of the way. The monster design? Creepy, but not groundbreaking. You’ll figure out their patterns soon enough, which takes away some of the fear factor.

Visually, the game is decent but not jaw-dropping. The graphics do their job of setting a creepy tone, but they won't win any awards. Think shadowy corridors and minimalist design. It works, but it also feels like the game could use a facelift.

Story and Narrative

Here’s where things get interesting. The story in Room 817 is more than just a backdrop. As you progress, a narrative unfolds through notes and clues, pulling you deeper into the mystery. But, oh boy, that ending. After all the build-up, the abrupt "You Win" screen feels like a slap in the face. Come on, we deserve more than that after surviving this nightmare!

Challenges and Rewards

This game is brutal. It rewards those who stick with it and have a good memory for its maze-like layout. But sometimes, the difficulty feels unfair, like the final chase sequence that seems designed to drive you mad. Doors slamming in your face with no clear escape route? That’s not challenging—it’s just cheap.

Plus, some modern conveniences wouldn’t hurt. Like, the slide puzzle bug where you have to restart if you solve it wrong? Come on, devs, throw us a bone here!


Room 817: Director’s Cut is a love letter to hardcore survival horror fans. It’s tough, it’s creepy, and it’s flawed. The brutal difficulty and design missteps hold it back from greatness, but if you’re up for a punishing challenge and can overlook some frustrations, it’s worth a shot. But if you prefer your horror with a bit of modern polish, you might want to look elsewhere.

Final Score: 6.5/10

This game is a rough gem. If you’re up for the challenge and can handle some infuriating moments, Room 817 offers a genuinely creepy and rewarding experience. But if you’re looking for something more polished and forgiving, maybe keep searching.

We at NLM received a key for this game for free, this however didn’t impact our review in any way.


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